
Showing posts from March, 2013

The Quadet & The Mystery Of The Mysterious Robber: Chapter 3

Chapter 3- Let’s go for….Shopping!!   They woke up really early that day, at 6:00…they did the usual things…atleast until 8:00………It was time for,SHOPPING!!! The girls dressed their best , caught a taxi and roared off!. Finally, they reached   the gorgeous place..the chandeliers were twinkling, the floor was shining, EVERYTHING was BEAUTIFUL!!!    They ran into the makeup section and bought a few lipsticks, lip glosses, eyeliners, and all sorts of other items..Their next stop was the accessory centre. There, they purchased a few bracelets, earrings, necklaces, et cetera. And their last visit was at the clothes centre, they bought dresses,shorts,shirts and pants.they hustled out of the shop with a gazillion shopping bags.      Once home, they took out all  the purchases and spread them out on the bed…Alison and Hanna took care of the makeup, Emily took care of the jewellery and Spencer and Aria took care of the clothes…they put them all in their respective places, and thre

The Quadet & The Mystery Of The Mysterious Robber: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 –SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trrrriiiiiinnnnggg!!!    Sounded the Alarm… The girls jumped out of bed, scared. Alison looked around the room and saw the Alarm Clock, shaking. She groaned and told the girls, " It’s just the Alarm Clock, don’t worry! " she hit the Alarm Clock on the top which made it stop. Emily looked relieved… "OMG! I thought someone came in here!!". They quickly brushed, bathed, dressed and went down for breakfast. Once there, Hanna found Mrs Jason smiling, while buttering the toast. She told the girls. Alison got suspicious and asked her why, Mrs Jason simply shook her head. Alison raised her eyebrows and went back to the table...    Suddenly, Aria remembered, "Huhhh, remember, today’s the day we’re going….home…." All the girls were silent as they were dreading this….  Just then, Mrs Jason brought their breakfast to the table, still smiling, "You girls wanted to know why I  was smiling,right? Well, here’s the

The Quadet & The Mystery Of The Mysterious Robber: Chapter 1

The Quadet  & The Mystery Of The Mysterious Robber