Daddy Long Legs by Jean Webster

Daddy-Long-Legs written by  Jean Webster

Daddy-Long-Legs is a greatly amusing and beautiful book written by Jean Webster. We had an excerpt of the book as a chapter in our English textbook.  I extremely enjoyed learning that lesson, so I decided that I would try and read it! Fortunately, I found it one of the shelves in the library and soon, needless to say, I was stuck in the book. Daddy-Long-Legs is a book written in the form of letters. Letters from Jerusha  Abbott  to  her benefactor who had sent her to college. You see, ‘Judy’, as she likes to be called, is an orphan in the John Grier Home. She is eighteen years of age, and has never in her life seen the outside world. Judy longs and longs to go out, attend college, make actual friends, eat tasty food, get new dresses, lots of things.. She absolutely detests the John Grier Home as she thinks that they attempt to turn ‘98 orphans into 98 twins’.  But one day, the headmistress of John Grier Home calls her to her office.  Judy goes,  and to her great surprise, Mrs. Lippett announces that Judy will be able to attend college, thanks to a generous man! Judy  can scarcely control her excitement. Mrs Lippett also informs her of the strange request given by the benefactor, that is, that he will pay for her college tuitions only on one  condition- that she writes to him every month-. Judy readily accepts the condition.  The Headmistress adds that the benefactor prefers to remain anonymous and can be called Mr. John Smith. Judy finds this a little strange, but she waves the feeling off. She is going to college!  I will not tell you the rest, because it will ruin the ending. So, read it! I can tell you one thing though- it comes to an enormously surprising ending!  I hope you read it!



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