by Cat Clarke

I really enjoyed reading this book.  Cat Clarke has a way of making every book she writes a real page-turner. 
To put it bluntly, Torn is a book about four girls.
The four girls,  are Alice, the narrator, Cass, her Best Friend, Rae, a moody emo girl and Polly, a social outcast. Okay. Four girls, on a school field trip in Scotland, sharing a cabin with the most popular girl  in school, Tara.
Nothing much could go wrong,  right?
Well, if  you thought no, you've been mistaken.
 The four girls think that its time to teach Tara a lesson and decide to scare her with a harmless prank. But that so called 'harmless' prank was not harmless at all. 
Tara dies. And the girls try to cover it up. They never meant to do it.
But after they reach back home, Alice keeps seeing Tara in her bedroom. At first she thinks its a figment of her imagination. She thought that guilt was doing crazy things to her brain. But then Tara starts to talk. The same way she did when she was alive. Alice tries to forget the whole incident, but the thought of doing that just made her feel even more guilty. 
You know when you read that someone has killed a person, you feel this kind of hatred toward them? Well, Cat Clarke actually makes us feel bad for them. She makes us put ourselves in Alice's place. That's one thing that I love about this book.
Alice and Cass fall out after this incident. Alice cannot believe that Cass didn't feel guilty about killing someone. But Cass insists that they did not kill her purposely, that it was an accident.  
Or was it?
In the end, Alice discovered that Polly had a way of saving Tara before she died. Alice suspects that she purposely let her die. 
Do you think that Alice does the right thing?
Read the book to find out  :)


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  3. You cant just half the story and tell it's a script !! Post the entire story !! I hate cliffhangers !!
    - Thalaivaa


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