The Quadet & The Mystery Of The Mysterious Robber: Chapter 1

The Quadet  & The Mystery Of The Mysterious Robber

Chapter 1-Visit  to Mr.George’s  House

Mr George went for a trip to Florida on Wednesday, last week. Before leaving, he locked all the doors and windows perfectly. Shockingly, when he came back yesterday at 12:00 noon, the house had been robbed!! EVERYTHING was taken, except a few A\C Remotes. Even the T.V was taken. The Police Head, Peter Millan said that robberies like this were occasional, all over Virginia….He claimed that he had very important work to do and stalked off!! So, since no officer has interest in this matter, the case is all yours, my Dear Detectives J…..                                                                                                                                                            
                                                                      Lots of Love, Your friend, Sandra”
Read Alison  to her besties  Aria, Emily, Spencer and Hanna. They were all having a sleepover at Alison’s  and had just received this letter from their dear friend Sandra, who had just moved away to Canada last month. She used to send occasional letters as they missed each other dearly. :) Sandra had said this robbery had happened in Virginia itself!!  S trange that the girls didn’t hear of it till now..!!

Alison told the others that, "Sandra’s right… This case IS for us, and we’re gonna have to try solving it".

Hanna nodded, "mmmhhmmnn, but…..why didn’t we hear of this earlier, we live in Virginia and Mr.George does too…. He lives right down the street, right ?? He could’ve atleast told us……" Aria replied,  "yeah, it’s strange….. ANYWAY, watchya all wanna do now???  Go to Spring Bloom Park, orrr, well, What ???" 

Emily stared at Aria, "We try solving the case, of course!!!" 

Aria protested, "awwww, can’t that wait?? I wanna have some fun!!!...."

"No, It can’t wait, and NO fun till the mystery’s over…" said Spencer, matter-of-factly. 

"Spencer’s right,  Aria" Hanna approved. Aria bobbed her head in a "Yeah, yeah, fine, you win…." kinda look and rolled her eyes. Just then Mrs Jason, Alison’s mom, came in with a tray of cookies, and 5 pieces of her special chocolate cake, "Help yourselves girls, it’s teatime!!"

All the 5 pounced on the tray and devoured the snacks, not even leaving a crumb….

"mmmmmmm, DELICIOUS!!!!" Alison exclaimed. She had a HUGE appetite. 

"Everything’s 'DELICIOUS!!!!'" for you, Alison Darling..” Emily joked.

Alison cast Emily a murderous look and turned away, before Mrs Jason could see this. Suddenly, Alison’s mom asked, "you girls heard about the robbery downtown??" 

Hanna replied, "Yeah! we did and we’re planning to go there and ask him about this mystery" 

"Excellent Idea, girls!!" Alison’s mom approved. "Dress quickly and visit him… He must be devastated…  He’s poor, you know, and if the couple of things he could salvage is robbed, uhhh, can't think about it!!"

Alison tossed her blonde hair behind and agreed, "Yeah, we know, mom."

Spencer wore a brown woolen coat and a gold skirt, Hanna wore a pink half top and blue shorts, Alison wore a blue shirt with a small white over-coat with a short blue skirt, Aria wore a golden-brown thick shirt and a long black skirt and Emily wore a ‘GAP’, grey sweatshirt with white pants. Spencer had long golden-brown hair, Hanna had long dark brown hair with a fringe, Alison had medium blonde hair, Aria had long black hair and Emily had short golden-brown hair. All of the girls put their different color lenses on, put their light-makeup, put their sneakers on and got out of the house with their various handbags.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, they were all 15-yr olds…. They headed downtown talking about  what they’d ask him once they reached. 

Hanna proposed an AWESOME idea to the rest, "Lets threaten him to tell us the details.."

Alison simply stared at Hanna and said, "You’re nuts, girl!!" 

"YEAHH, You ARE!!!" Said a bemused looking Spencer.

Hanna had a defeated look on her face,"OKAY!! ENOUGH!!" Whatt-evver!! Who on Earth cares??"

All the girls said together at the same time, as if on cue.. "WE DO!!" 

Just then, the Quadet arrived at the famous, burgled house. The girls were simply astonished to see the tiny, little hut. They assumed that it would be atleast a BIT larger. They knocked on the small, crooked door and waited, trying to change their astonished faces to their sympathized faces. No one bothered to open the door, so Emily, who had loads of courage and was upto the brim for simply ANYTHING, knocked on the door once again. They had believed the city rumour that carried the message, "Mr George is weird, ugly, scary, idiotic, weak and VERY irritable". Naturally,they were nervous.

Finally,the  old man answered the knock. "Ohhhh no, the rumour is SOO right!!" Alison thought. He was wearing an indigo  sweatshirt, and grey sweat pants. HE SURE LOOKED WEIRD, ALRIGHT!! He had white hair, completely white. And an overgrown, looooooong white beard.

"He looks like a 100-year old grasshopper," Alison remarked. Hanna tried suppressing her laughter with all her might, but wasn’t strong enough, so burst out laughing in front of a surprised looking Mr George.

Alison added, "Actually grasshoppers look wayyyy better than him!!"

Emily gave her an "Enough, ALREADY !!" look, as she guessed that Alison must’ve done something look..

Mr George asked, "Why have you come here, and I have no time for visitors, for your information" grumpily.

Uggghhhh, the girls felt like playing Hide-and-Seek with him, not really, but they had the tendancy to runaway RIGHT NOW and hide somewhere far away. But to the amazement of the girls,who were in an "Oh my GOD!!  we’re being confronted by an ugly, scary gigantic monster!! HELP!!!!!" situation, Mr George just sighed, and gave a seer apology….

The girls started to see him as a whole new person and Alison, who was the most surprised, as she had totally believed in the city rumour, told him, "Ohh,we..I, we’re, I’m…I-i-i-I, like, um, it’s uh-mm-"

"Actually..." Emily interrupted, "Alison was saying that,we’re really pleased to hear that apology…it was really not needed, you know….." Emily wanted to say more things like "We’re so HAPPY!! Woohoo!!", "OMG!!"  and all that, but it seemed as if her tongue was in a knotFor Heaven’s sake, not now!!!! It’s not such a surprising thing!!" she thought.

Meanwhile, Alison felt like she was going to faint. Spencer thought fast and said, "I…..umm, yeah, we came here to… ask you about the robbery… we know you must be really sad… so, if you’re not in the mood…. then,we’ll leave immediately.." Mr George simply said, "ah,it’s okay, come in and make yourself comfortable".

The Quadet strode in, chose a stool, or part of the floor to settle down and looked around the barely spacious hut.. Hanna was the first to speak once inside, "Uhh, yeah, so, we wanted to ask you if you.. you know.. if you have any guesses on the thief..."

Mr George replied, "Oh, yes, I do have one.. His name is Daniel Sivonnah and he’s my late wife’s assistant… She was the manager of the makeup company RoseMine."

Suddenly, Alison gasped, "OMG!! She was the MANAGER of ROSEMINE!! Are you kidding?? The manager of ROSEMINE lives in our NEIGHBOURHOOD??? AAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!"

 She was so excited that she didn’t notice Emily’s familiar look, "You’re gonna scream the HOUSE down!!" FINALLY, Alison stopped her screaming, sniffed a few times, straightened her skirt and croaked, "I’m sorry" looking at the floor.

MR George cleared his throat and said, "Ahh,it’s okay… and to remind you, she has passed away recently.. in one of your screams you said that the manager is living here, she’s dead." 

Alison looked pale, and Hanna looked as if she would rather bungee jump from Mt.Everest than face Mr George. After a long, akward silence, Aria requested Mr George "go on,please.." 

Mr George continued, "Yes, and uhh, yeah, umm, so Daniel used to pay frequent visits here since she died, saying that he came here to finish her remaining paperwork, for a new client, Vanessa, and I used to let him enter… but now, he has stopped coming.."

Aria commented, "mmmm, INTERESTING.." Alison was feeling REALLY weird and wanted to get out of there…FAST…~"well, thanks a ton, Mr George, this is all we wanted to ask, so, we might as well get moving…and ANYWAYS, it’s getting dark,we have to reach home before 7…so,nice to meet you Mr George." Spencer added, ‘Yes, it has been an interesting visit." 

Mr George said "Ah, yes, it has….well, see you soon."

The girls walked out the fairly small house(hut), bid farewell to Mr George once again, and raced back to Alison’s place.. They took off their shoes and changed their clothes into “Home-clothes”. They ran into the kitchen, told Mrs Jason everything, and gulped their dinner up. Soon, the girls were in bed, whispering to themselves about the exciting evening.

Well, let’s wait to see what’s in store for them tomorrow, which was Day 2 of their Summer Vacation…. 


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