The Quadet & The Mystery Of The Mysterious Robber: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 –SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trrrriiiiiinnnnggg!!!   Sounded the Alarm…

The girls jumped out of bed, scared. Alison looked around the room and saw the Alarm Clock, shaking. She groaned and told the girls, "It’s just the Alarm Clock, don’t worry!" she hit the Alarm Clock on the top which made it stop. Emily looked relieved… "OMG! I thought someone came in here!!".

They quickly brushed, bathed, dressed and went down for breakfast. Once there, Hanna found Mrs Jason smiling, while buttering the toast. She told the girls. Alison got suspicious and asked her why, Mrs Jason simply shook her head. Alison raised her eyebrows and went back to the table...
Suddenly, Aria remembered, "Huhhh, remember, today’s the day we’re going….home…." All the girls were silent as they were dreading this…. 

Just then, Mrs Jason brought their breakfast to the table, still smiling,"You girls wanted to know why I  was smiling,right? Well, here’s the reason.. After discussing with all your mothers, all of you girls, are Going to STAY HERE FOR 7 MORE WEEKS!!!!” All the girls started laughing, hugging, jumping, screaming, and doing all sorts of things!! Oh, this is Heaven!!! They ate their breakfast, talking about what they’d do to fill their time in 7 weeks……after the meal, they ran up to Alison’s room, and shut the door, they were gonna have some fun…. As none of the girls had gotten over their excitement, Spencer suggested something,which soon came into plan. 
 Alison pressed the “ON” button on her i-pod, connected it to her speaker, put their favorite song, ’Believe me,girl..’ and, cranked the volume high…All the girls ran towards her, Pulled her onto the bed and started jumping !!! They bought a few food items, juice, et cetera and partied till 11:00 (It was 10:30 in the morning when they started) in the morning,…. Oh, it was SO fun!!!!!!! After the "party", they were thoroughly exhausted, so they took a short nap.  

The girls got up at exactly quarter-past eleven….they went out for a walk, by the nearby river, there, they met a pleasant little girl, her name was Mia Robert, she was 11-yrs old and had also come out for a stroll by the riverside, just like the girls had… By having a chat with her, they understood that she was pretty smart.. She was  cute and polite, and the girls liked her very much, and they wanted to join her into “The Quadet”, but, according to the rules, girls above than 12 are only allowed to join….that was kind of depressing to the girls, but they were happy enough, they were gonna stay for another  7 weeks!! Yayyy!!! So,after the chat with Mia, they were kinda bored so, Hanna suggested, "Hey, let’s go to 'Creamy Creams, It’s been AGES since  we went there….together…" Creamy Creams was an ice cream parlor. It had the tastiest ice cream EVER!!! Spencer agreed, “Yeah, we should go there, weelll, let’s go after lunch, If we go before that, I’m sure Mrs Jason won’t let us…”.  All the girls agreed. So it was set, they’d go to Creamy Creams after lunch. 
The morning sped by, and it was time for lunch, soon..they told Mrs Jason about the plan, during lunch. She said, “Of Course, you can go after lunch’s over, but the problem is, I’m going to my friend’s beach party the same time you’re leaving,so sorry,but I can’t drive you all.”
”Oh that’s okay, mom, were gonna walk till there, It’s walking distance” Alison Replied. The girls were double excited…one - they were gonna go to their FAVORITE ice cream parlor, and two-they were staying here for 7 weeks…!! They ate their food as fast as possible, and set out for Creamy Creams, two yards away…On reaching there, the girls ordered their favorite ice creams. Spencer ordered Strawberry, Hanna ordered Peanut Butter, Alison, chocolate,Aria, Pista and Emily ordered Vanilla ice-cream… They enjoyed the ice creams very much and when they got up to leave, Alison tripped over her high-heels on the way out, which caused Emily to fall, as she was right behind Alison and Alison’s handbag hit her,THAT made Aria fall, and one-by-one all the girls were laying on the ground…

"ALL because of Alison,AS USUAL!!" Aria groaned.Alison squeaked  "oopsy daisy, I’ll help y’all up," She looked like she was about to burst out laughing, which, fortunately, she did not, as she knew that that would anger the girls even MORE. She helped everyone up, and ushered them outside, they grumbled, groaned and kept on complaining till they reached home. At home, they plopped themselves onto the bed in Alison’s room. They took out their  "QUADET DIARY" and wrote today’s events.

"Oh,that was a lot of writing," Complained Hanna. She was the one who wrote the most,’cause she had a GORGEOUS handwriting. Emily stuffed the diary back into the shelf and fell back onto the bed, After a minor discussion on next day’s plans, it was decided that the girls would go shopping at "Fiona", a makeup, accessory and clothing shopping center. They BEGGED Mrs Jason - Alison was like, "Mooooom, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY pleeeeease????????? PA-LEEEEASEEE!!!!???!!" Her mom Finally gave in  (She HAD to, otherwise, she’d be murdered by Alison).The girls were SUPER excitedJJJJJ!!!!!!!They talked and talked and played and did all sorts of stuff..till night, when they slept peacefully…:)                                               


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