The Quadet & The Mystery Of The Mysterious Robber: Chapter 3

Chapter 3- Let’s go for….Shopping!!

  They woke up really early that day, at 6:00…they did the usual things…atleast until 8:00………It was time for,SHOPPING!!! The girls dressed their best , caught a taxi and roared off!. Finally, they reached   the gorgeous place..the chandeliers were twinkling, the floor was shining, EVERYTHING was BEAUTIFUL!!!    They ran into the makeup section and bought a few lipsticks, lip glosses, eyeliners, and all sorts of other items..Their next stop was the accessory centre. There, they purchased a few bracelets, earrings, necklaces, et cetera. And their last visit was at the clothes centre, they bought dresses,shorts,shirts and pants.they hustled out of the shop with a gazillion shopping bags.
  Once home, they took out all  the purchases and spread them out on the bed…Alison and Hanna took care of the makeup, Emily took care of the jewellery and Spencer and Aria took care of the clothes…they put them all in their respective places, and threw the covers into the trash can.. J

  “Girls, Mrs Jason called, It’s time for lunch!!” “WE”RE COO-OMINGG!!!!!!”  bellowed Aria The girls went to the dining table to see it completely covered with their favorites, Pork chops with sweet bread, Chinese noodles with fried mushroom, French Bread with chocolate, and banana splits for desert!! “Whoah!” Aria complimented, staring at the table…Mrs Jason smiled, “I made it just for you,dears,eat up!!””Of CoUrSe we’ll eat up!!!,don’t worry!!” assured Alison.The others started nodding and assured her about 5,000 times…Alison’s mom laughed, “Good”  and strode out the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel.The girls had just started eating the lunch,when the doorbell rang..Alison went and opened the door, and guess who was there?? It was none other than Mr George!! The girls were totally surprised… “Ohh,why did he come here now??’’ whispered Aria to Hanna.” “uhhhh,I don’t know……maybe he found another suspect!!” replied Hanna in a whisper..Alison welcomed him, “Mr George!! Come, come on in.” Just then Mrs Jason came in, “Who is it? Who came-Ohh, Mr George!! How are you???””Ahhh, Lianna(Lianna was Mrs Jason’s first name), my dear, I have come here to talk to you for a moment or 2…AND I’m fine, thankyou.” “Well, you are welcome and… wanted to talk to me?? Weel,okay,mmm, and do sit down, I’ll bring some tea and bread for you..” replied a puzzled(‘cause Mr George has  NEVER talked to her before…he was always in a kind of bad mood in front of her) Mrs Jason.

   She headed towards the kitchen in a hurry,.Mr George then turned to Alison & the others, “You girls go and eat, now.I came here to talk to youre mum,..”..The girls were surprised at this, “Why on EARTH has he come to see MOM??!!” asked Alison to the girls.,once at the table. Spencer sighed, “How do we know? I hope it’s something nice.I’m SO not prepared to hear bad stuff now,especially something…sad or tragic..” Aria lunged for the French bread and chocolate, her favorite and said, (while chomping the food up,) “It’s official that he came here to say something terribly horrible.He always does that..” Alison quietly served herself the noodles and mushroom, “I actually feel bad for him, I mean, you girls started liking him the day he welcomed us into his place, but, I-I-I ALWAYS felt bad for him, you know, he-s ---ALOONE---,”  “Blah blah blaaah!! We know, Alison!! Now you’re gonna start a lecture on poor people who …don’t have anybody to talk to, or something CRAZYY!” cried Spencer.One after another all the girls said something, until Mrs Jason came into the room and said, “ I have ANOTHER exciting announcement to ma-“
“WAAAIT, mom, is he gone?”
“Okay, go on..”
Mrs Jason continued,” yeah, so,Mr George came here to,well, let me explain first.Some guy called David Sivonnah got fired because of SOME-thing” At this, the all the girls exchanged a glance.Mrs Jason went on, “soooo, he asked mee too becomeee the company’s new ASSISTANT!!!!!” 
Alison was speechless, Spencer was petrified, Hanna was gonna faint, Emily was wide-eyed and Aria was biting her nails vigoriously.
Suddenly Aria screamed, then came Alison, then Spencer, then Hanna,then Emily, and finally MRS JASON!! After everyone’s throat felt raw, they ended it.”OH MY GOOOOOOD!!” cried Alison..Mrs Jason cried “Yeahh, right?”, grinning….They calmed down and decided to read a book to swallow the excitement.. They went to the “Mount Fir” Library..they each picked an interesting book and went to sit down at the kids Corner…they read till evening, and THEN they wanted to visit the “Greek Sculpters” museum, I meant, HANNA wanted to visit,  she was smartest kid in 10th grade, and the others were O-k-a-yy at studies.. Spencer forced them to go, and they had to say, “Fine,Okay!!” cause she was one strong girl..They went to the museum and came back, with small sculptures of Hera, Zeus, Posieden, Athena, and Hades, a few Greek Olympians….They got it from a store nearby..They were PLASTIC JJ…. They set them on the windowsill, got into bed, and slept.. JJ


  1. Its all very nice gopi. Thumbs up!!! Keep on writing and dont rush yourself, take your time to complete each chapter. Will be following this for sure :-) - Lekshman

    1. Thanks a lot, Lekshman chetta!! I will follow your advice per se..;) -Gaya3


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