The Quadet and the Mystery Of The Mysterious Robber - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – The Unexpected Meeting

 The next day, everyone woke up at around 7:00 AM..It was a beautiful day, there was a calm breeze outside, and the small plants in Alison’s garden danced to the wind peacefully…The birds were singing a melodious song which was loud and clear… The window swayed with the wind just as the plants..It hit against the upper- windowsill and made a sound- not an irritating loud -BONG!!--,it made a small sound-a little song- it sounded like the birds outside…..The Alarm Clock was under Alison’s  clothes, stuffed into her small cupboard..uugh!! Who would want to hear the loud  –Triiing!!- of the clock in the morning? Especially when it was a day like this?  Anybody would be enjoying today morning.. Sitting out in the balcony, feeling the breeze and curled up in a good book.. J
Alison fished out her clothes from the cupboard, dressed in a rush,and ran downstairs, where all the other girls and her mother were waiting for her,-they were going to finally go to RoseMine-, today was mrs Jason’s first day there.None of the 5 could wait to see the make-up filled place…Mostly Alison,there was NOBODY in this Whole Wide World, who was as crazy as Alison for make-up..While Aria craves for food, Alison craves for make-up.. J They got into a waiting taxi, which started and  took off  for Alison’s mother’s work place….
After 1 hour of excitement, they reached their destination..WOW!! It was gigantic!! Alison started complimenting every single edge and side of the company, while all the other girls stared in awe and amazement…Mrs Jason was genuinely pleased…she said, “Girls, come in!! Don’t you want to see the inside of this gorgeous mansion?” “Ooooh, of COURSE we wanna see the inside,!!” exclaimed Spencer. The girls walked into the beautiful place to put one foot onto the shining floor, look up and….crumble with surprise, it was the girl bully from school, Rihanna Mafek!! Alison stammered , “Ri-Ri-Rihanna!! Wha-What’re you doing he-here?” “Ohhh, Alison, Honey, How ARE you??? She mocked, “ And uh….you asked me, what I was doing here, right? Well, can’t I shop, I’m a normal 10th grader, after all” , she shrugged dramatically.. “As if” muttered Hanna.. Fortunately Rihanna didn’t hear that.. she turned to Spencer, who was next to Alison, “My  stars and GARTERS!! YOU’RE here too?! Oh, well, and you know what, If I were you, I’d just shave off that  filthy, brown hair of yours!” Rihanna barked at Spencer’s face. Spencer backed off, “whoa, girl, go easy on me,!” Rihanna ignored her and was about to torture Aria when she  caught sight of Mrs Jason. She was watching all of this silently.. She gave one stern look at her and Rihanna instantly broke, “I-I-I’ll do ANYTHING for you to not tell my mother! PLEASE!!” she sobbed.. Mrs Jason scolded , “Rihanna, I do NOT tolerate this type of behavior!! ONE more mean act from you,young lady, and you’re mother knows!!She added proudly “One more addition, now that I’m the assistant of the manager of RoseMine, I can do ANYTHING to you when you’re here..” Rihanna’s pleading face broke into a bewildered one, and then she just whimpered and replied,l I-I okay,I-i-I won’t repeat it again,Sorry, Mrs Jason” and gingerly walked away, scared……. Alison laughed, “They say she’s scared of grown ups” ..The girls continued savoring the beauty of ‘RoseMine’, passing comments of wonder to each other, loud enough for Mrs Jason to hear, who said, “Yes, this place is…WONDERFUL.” “.A dream come true..” she added , dreamily. Okay, so let me describe the place now, There were rows and rows of light brown semi-circle counters, which reflected small orange lights that shone from the ceiling,And obviously, the shelves behind the counters were filled with…Make-Up!!! Alison joked, “Wow!!, just take a look at these nail polishes, They’ve gotta be one of the 7 Wonders of the World,!!”The girls laughed….They explored the office, the guest room, et cetera…Oh, and Alison explored the make-up section with loads of compliments(good) spilling out of her mouth….They went back to the orange Taxi, jumped in,and requested the driver to take them to alison’s home….
“O-O-OKA-A-AYYY, Girls, let’s get movin’!!” cried an impatient Aria…..They had decided to go and find out where Mia Robert was residing.. Hanna suggested that they take a walk round the road and see if she’s their neighbor…The girls readily agreed….They got ready and set out…After tons of walking, they reached a small cottage  which they had never seen before , so, as they were curious about it, they decided to  walk closer,so they did-more&more&more&more-The girls heard a sound,Emily had bumped into a man, he had a police uniform on, and he was smoking a cigarette, while speaking into a phone…He looked down at Emily, threw the cigarette away and cut the phone,he asked “What?” He had a scary, loud and raspy voice….  Alison & the others noticed a small police pin or something on  his shirt, it was written, “PETER MILAN, HEAD POLICE” Emily replied,”Uhh, wee-we were just,you know walking around the neighbor hood ,so we just –we’re gonna leave now” The man looked at each of the girls, slowly, “mmm,okay, now run back to you’re little homes” He walked away, accidentally dropping something on the road, Spencer picked it up and gasped, “It’s a gem, a ruby!! A piece of it, I think,..” The girls were utterly shocked!! It was red and elegant, it was indescribable!!! Such a wonder!! They abandoned the idea of visiting Mia’s house and ran back home and   placed the ruby on a piece of fluffy red pillow… 
“Peter Milan is totally rich!, I mean,how can a piece of ruby just fall out from somebody’s pocket, and why WAS it in his pocket, Doesn’t he have nice & safe place to treasure it??” asked Aria, bewildered at the incident… “Gosh,Aria! We don’t know!!” protested Alison, “ we were there with you and we’re as shocked as you are…” Aria had been asking the same question for the past half an hour.Just then, Mrs Jason called them for lunch..It was the usual,tasty food..the girls ate greedily and rushed back to Alison’s room… They immediately took a jewellery box from Alison’s cloth closet and encased the ruby in a small pit inside the box….they sighed and feel back on the bed once, everyone was snoring…they were tired…VE-ry tired from what they all did today…
the evening sped by, alarmingly fast, and the moon shone in no time..The girls got bored,so they decided to watch a movie on Television, Alison was changing the channels,during the process, she passed a news channel, they decided to watch some news before the movie, so, Alison went back to the channel they passed and…”Oh my Goodness!!!” cried Emily, standing up, “Mr George is on TV!!” the girls stared at the blaring screen..These were too many surprises on 1 day!!! Mr George was telling the reporters, “The most prized possession of mine was a blood-red piece of ruby, Unfortunately, that was also stolen” There was a que gasp among the girls, they turned back to the T.V Mr George continued, “It was gifted to me by my wife, right before she..pas-passed away…” He looked down..sad…
Alison quickly switched the T.V off  and ran upstairs, followed closely by the girls.They ran towards the box and opened the lid,the ruby was there, shining, blood-red in colour..”This is the ruby..Mr george’s ruby..” announced Alison… “As if we don’t know,” complained Hanna..They decided to tell mrs Jason about the meeting with Peter Milan and the ruby falling down and all..
Mrs Jason was completely shocked,”Wha-WHYY didn’t you tell me earlier, girls? This is serious,…”She examined the shining stone and added, “”Take it to Mr George and EXPLAIN!! Explain everything!!”
The girls hurried over to his house and rang the door bell…..Mr George came out and welcomed them in, “I’ll make some tea for you, wait here please,” He strode into the kitchen and came back a second later with 6 cups of tea,:So, what is it?” he asked…Emily sipped her tea and started explaining…..After the long explanation, Mr George seemed very happy, he put  the tea cup down and cried happily,”You found my RUBY!!” he paused and said, “From Peter..gimme the ruby,” Alison took it out from her purse and handed it over..Mr George turned it around in his fingers and placed it in his Safe Case..”Thankyou, girls…I will complain to one of the other polices,” He dug his hand into his pocket, and fished out his tiny little cellphone.He talked for a few minutes and stuffed the phone into his pocket..”Yes, so, I have told the police, they said that they would go and search his house as soon as possible”… “Great!” nodded Aria…, “Yeah, we’re good…..and,um,because Peter Milan had the ruby,I suppose he’ll be having my other things too,…….. right?”Mr George nervously asked..Hanna replied, without hesitation,”Yes.Yes,he will. He’ll be having them, I’m sure..” “Oh.Good” breathed Mr George…The girls turned to leave, “Girls!” Mr George called, “I-I-I I dunno HOW much I could thankyou, this, this ruby is a memorable treasure of mine…I-Thank you!!” He turned and went inside the house.The girls looked at each other,  pleased with their selves… They jogged back home, excited, happy, and …well, they had a feeling…that they, themselves didn’t know….


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