Anne of Green Gables is a popular classic written by Lucy Maud Montgomery, fondly called Maud. This is currently my most favorite classic. This book is very thrilling and pleasant. It is about a very talkative, red-haired orphan girl named Anne Shirley. Her mother died two months after Anne was born and her father died a week after that. She is then taken to the orphan asylum. She was first adopted by Mrs Thomson and then by Mrs Hammond. But they only had her for a short time. After a few more terrible months in the asylum, she is adopted by Marilla and Mathew Cuthbert, living in Green Gables in Long Edward Island. That is the turning point of her life. The Cuthbert’s were actually expecting a boy, to help Mathew with the farm work, but imagine their surprise when they saw a skinny little redhead standing on their doorstep! Marilla assumed that there was some mistake, but, ...