Chapter 2 (Nicole-Life at Red Rays)

Chapter 2- BFF conversation         
I’m at Megan’s house with Rachelle. As soon as I reached home after going to Red Rays, I cycled over to Megan’s. Rachelle was painting her nails a grotesque vomit-green color and smiling affectionately at it. That girl has just gone nuts! I sat down at the edge of Meg’s bed and watched Rachelle painting her perfectly trimmed nails that ridiculously disgusting green. ‘You are ruining your nails, Ray! Paint it some pretty color like purple or pink or gold or silver. Not vomit green!’ Rachelle turned to me, flipped her silky brown hair back and waved her fully-painted nails in front of me. ‘What’s the prob, Nikki? I think it perfectly suits my skin shade. It totally complements my diamond blue eyes… Maybe the color’s not too good, but I think it suits me.’ She said. I rolled my eyes. Rachelle is the prettiest girl in the whole neighborhood. She is indescribably pretty! Megan is also really pretty. But she never wears pretty clothes. Rachelle has long silky brown hair and watery blue eyes. She was born in New York, in America. She moved here 7 years ago and hasn’t quite picked up on the British accent that we all have, but her American English is perfect. Megan has long wavy dark red hair and brown eyes. Her Intelligence Quotient is 175, she is way intellectual and is unbeatable in Geography and Mathematics. While I, as I said earlier, have blonde hair and green eyes. I think I do pretty well in Biology and Chemistry. Rachelle may not be a topper in studies, but she has beauty and that’s not very different. Megan nodded at Rachelle, ‘You don’t need to remind us, Rachelle, you are unbelievingly beautiful. We have that carved in our brains.’ I grinned mockingly, ‘OH, Megan! You have practically everything carved into your brain!’ Megan rolled her eyes. Rachelle carefully lidded the nail polish and turned to us, ‘So, Megs, why’d you call us here?’ Megan sighed, ‘Oh, guys, I have something seriously important to tell you…. My aunt Barbara was not feeling well a few days ago. Not at ALL well, actually. And yesterday, she was admitted to the hospital for….CANCER.’ I widened my eyes and cupped my hands over my mouth. ‘Oh, Megan!’ Rachelle cried. Megan’s eyes were starting to water. ‘Blood cancer.’ She said, in between tears. Rachelle and I tried to comfort her. This was shocking! Megan wiped her tears away with her hanky and looked down. ‘Oh, sorry, It was silly of me to cry like that…’ she said. ‘MEGAN! OF COURSE not!’ I said. Megan sniffed and wiped her eyes with her sweater sleeve. She looked down. ‘I read about blood cancer in the internet. Oh, it is DREADFUL! I can’t say it…’ I nodded. ‘That’s OK. There’s no problem in that… because I’m going to check it right now.’ I raced over to her computer, which was next to her dresser drawer. I logged on to the net, went to Wikipedia and searched ‘Blood Cancer’. I read the first few sentences and immediately felt like throwing up. I think I have blood-o-phobia, if there IS something like that. I saw a picture of all these bloody cells and arteries and I felt like it was the end of my life. EWWWWWW. Rachelle came over and read the WHOLE THING WITHOUT THROWING UP!! She grimaced. ‘Wow. That was pretty gross.’ I asked her, ‘Rachelle Jane, HOW did you read the whole thing AND look at the pictures without VOMITING?’ She shrugged, ‘Why on earth do I have to throw up? It’s a natural human……. um, thing.’ She said. I nodded, my eyebrows raised. She’s getting smart. Plus, what I read was actually BIOLOGY. I can’t believe it. Me, NOT being able to read BIO?? WOW! Megan nodded at Rachelle. ‘Yeah, cancer is caused due to the multiplying of blood cells in our body. And it can be blood cancer, skin cancer, bone cancer. There are like, LOADS of cancers. AND it can also lead to hideous deformities. Like an extra-long nose. Somewhat like that.’ ‘EWWWW.’ Rachelle and I said together. DEFORMITIES?! No thank you! Megan rolled her eyes. ‘Anyway, I’m going to need to read a bit of the English version of Isaac Newton’s ‘Philosophae Naturalis Principia Mathematica’, which is really interesting so far. I also have to finish reading ‘Principals of Conservation’ as a reading assignment.’ She takes extra-extra-extra advanced classes on everything except Chemistry. She’s kinda weak on that. She looked at us, ‘Soo… Nikki and Ray, could you guys come with me to the hospital? I’m going to go there tomorrow at 10:00 AM. Precise.’ I shrugged and then nodded. Rachelle said, ‘But I have a shopping appointment with Paige Martine at ‘Gorgeous’. It’s at 10:00 AM…. approximately.’ She is SOO bad at remembering dates and times. Megan bit her lip. ‘No prob. Nicole, your enough.’ I shrugged again. Rachelle sighed, ‘Okay… I guess the appointment is at 4:00. I think… Anyway, I’ll come. I sooo want to see what a cancer patient looks like.’ Megan said, ‘Well, they have to undergo a process called chemotherapy. In that process, they give the patient a medicine which kills all the extra cells in their body. But in most cases, these medicines kill some of the already-existing cells by mistake, and there is hair loss. So, Aunt Barbara WILL look a bit funny, agreed. But please don’t laugh.’ She looked at me pointedly. I nodded immediately. Megan smiled at me, ‘I’m most certainly thankful.’ She walked over to her closet and picked out a grey sweater and a white skirt ( REALLY?! ). Then she went into the closet to change. I sighed. Megan will look like a total geek (No offence, Megs). EVERYONE knows that. She has some pretty decent clothes, but she wouldn’t ever wear that. She says that she should at all times look mature and professional. ‘What if I bump into Mrs. Emily?’ That’s what she says ALL the time. Sure enough, she came out, looking like a total teacher sweetheart. She went over to her makeup table and brushed her already neat and tidy red hair. Then she added a few touches of mascara and pink lipstick. She smiled at us. ‘How do I look?’  I managed a weak smile. ‘Wonderful!’ I said. I mean, no kidding, she DID look pretty. Her face looked enchanting. It was only her clothes that needed fixing. At least, that’s what I think. Rachelle thinks that she needs fixing in practically EVERY inch of her body and her fashion sense. Her hair, her clothes, her jewelry sense, her makeup sense. Everything. Rachelle is always fantasizing about the day she would take Megan shopping and get her ‘APPROPRIATE’ clothes, makeup and hair appliances. And she would come back home and me and her would teach Megs how to apply makeup and loads more. Rachelle sighed and sashayed over to Megan, ‘OMG, Megan! Like, are you SERIOUS?! Did you even look at yourself in the mirror?!’ she exclaimed. Megan rolled her eyes ‘If this is another one of your outfit rants or whatever, please note that I am NOT interested.’ She stated. Rachelle said, ‘Megan, this isn’t one of my rants. What your wearing is just a total disaster. I’m just HELPING you.’ Megan sighed, ‘Rachelle, I think I can take care of myself. Maybe I am making a big deal out of a small thing, but this because you do this almost every single day! All of us have different ways of doing things. In this case, its clothes. Well, I think I LIKE the way I dress, just……Ok, I’m getting crazy. Just pick out a dress for me.’ She grinned. Rachelle laughed, ‘sure!’ she said. I stood by, watching with a smile. They just CANNOT get into an actual fight.
‘O.M.G.’ whispered Rachelle. Megan shot her a look. We were at the Autumn Shine Hospital, in room three. In the cancer block. With Mrs. Barbara Randy, that is, Megan’s aunt. She looked kind of… dreadful. OK, VERY, VERY, VERY dreadful. She was wearing a white hospital cloth on her body and was bald. Her hands were trembling as she touched Megan. ‘Oh, Megan d-dear….. Its long… since I see you.’ Megan had explained to Rachelle and me earlier that she would stammer through sentences and she’d probably miss a few words. After effect, she said. Megan smiled. ‘Yeah, it has been very long since we’ve seen each other, Auntie. Look, these are my best friends, Nicole Sherman and Rachelle Jane.’ She said. Aunt Barbara smiled at us, ‘Ah. Nicole… Rach...Elle…pretty.’ We smiled at her, ‘Thank you, Aunt Barbara!’ I exclaimed. We all talked to her for some time and then we exited the hospital. I got a call on my cell from Mum. I took it, and she said that Mrs. Emily Matthews had called and she said that she wanted me to go over there to collect my timetable and be assigned to my locker and class. I said ‘OK. I’ll rush over there with Megs and Ray.’ Megan smiled excitedly, ‘Oh lord, please let Mrs. Emily assign Nicole to our class.’ She prayed. Ray did the same. I laughed, ‘Let’s see.’ We called a taxi-cab and he drove us over there. We ran into the building, where the Principal was waiting for us. She smiled at us, ‘Hello, girls. So, Nicole, you are assigned to Locker 4C. I think it is in between both of these girls’ lockers. And you are in class….. 9A.’ I felt tears prickling my eyes. And then I heard Rachelle groan and Megan sigh. Suddenly, Mrs. Emily said, ‘Oh, sorry, 9B. 9A was for Nicola Dorchester. And, here’s your time table.’ She handed it to me. I took it from her in an ecstatic mood. YAY! I’m in their class! Rachelle jumped and cheered. She hugged me. Megan grinned, ‘YAY, NIKKI!!!!’ I grinned, ‘YAY ME!’ I exclaimed and Megs laughed. I LUV London from ‘Suite Life of Zack and Cody.’ Mrs. Emily smiled. ‘So, girls, I guess you should run back home. Goodbye, Nicole, Megan and Rachelle.’ She said. ‘’Bye, Mrs. Emily.’ We replied and headed out. Rachelle said, ‘Oh, YES, Nikki! Okay, so, anyway, I was planning to go shopping with Paige at ‘Gorgeous.’ I told you, right? Interested?’ I said, ‘Yeah. I DO need a new mascara and lip gloss. And I need your help to choose a nice brand.’ Surprisingly, Megan nodded, ‘Well, yes. I need a new pair of flats. And a pencil pouch.’ Rachelle grinned, ‘Excellent, guys! Let’s go!’
‘EWWWW!’ Cried Paige, staring at the yellow flats that Megan had picked out. ‘WHAT?’ asked an annoyed Megan. ‘The flats. It is like, TOO bright. It doesn’t match your complexion OR eye color! I think what you need is a maroon or tan color sandal. And DO buy heels.’ Megan rolled her eyes, ‘Fine. Pick it out for me.’ We were at the mall. Rachelle just finished helping me pick out mascara and lip gloss. I was browsing through the jewelry section, looking for something nice, while Rachelle was looking for green glittery nail polish. Paige was like, the WORST snob on earth. She was also the kind of person who judges people by their looks. Ugh. I have NO IDEA why Rachelle would associate with people like THIS. OK, I agree, they are both fashion divas and they’re both really pretty and popular and both of their mothers were in the same college and both of them have long brown hair and blue eyes and their practically twins in their personalities and looks. So?? Beauty Is Skin Deep. That’s what they say. And it is soo true! Anyway, Paige and Rachelle were now advising Megan on fashion. Those fashionistas! Megan was nodding slowly, taking in every word. I wonder whether she’ll ever dress properly from now onwards. Well, whatever. I saw a copy of Nancy Drew’s Ghost Stories. I squealed. I just, like LOOVEE Nancy Drew. Basically, I love mystery books. I raced towards it and checked the price. Not bad… I dropped it into my shopping cart and went back to the jewelry section. I saw a One Direction CD, Midnight Memories next!!! I started jumping up and down like some crazed maniac, cause you just take one look at those guys and… BAM. You’re paralyzed. And their voices are just so……OK, I should stop. I’ll probably keep talking about One Direction for a looooooooong time. I put that in my shopping cart, too. Wow. I guess I’ll just keep seeing new numbers or books and I will have to pay a large amount in the end. My Heart Will just HAVE To Go On for this!
‘Nicole, can you please take that pen for me?’ asked mum. ‘Sure.’ I replied. I gave her the pen she was pointing at. She was filling out some document. I asked her, ‘What are you filling out?’ She answered, ‘Uhh,… well, Nicole, I thought that I’d tell you later, but,… well,… I am applying for a new job at the IT park.’ I was surprised, ‘Wow. Fingers crossed, mum.’ She smiled, ‘Yeah, fingers crossed.’ My cell rang. I went back into my room and took the call. It was Rachelle. ‘Nicole! Nicole! Come to the hospital quickly! Fast! Megan’s aunt is throwing up blood. And the doctors are saying that it’s tough to cure her. There’s… well, no hope…..’ She said. I started crying, ‘What?! How?! Wait, I’ll come there right NOW!’ I cut the phone, ran down, told mum, and jumped into my Civic. When I reached there, Rachelle was waiting for me at the cancer ward. I ran into the room with her. Sure enough, Aunt Barbara was throwing up blood. Megan was standing next to her, with Mrs. Randy’s hand around her. Both of them were crying uncontrollably. I ran over to them and sighed. Megan looked at me, ‘Oh, you’re here……..’ she said. I nodded. Rachelle came over too. We all looked sadly at Aunt Barbara, who was helplessly throwing up. The doctor was standing there, patting Aunt Barbara to stop the vomit from coming out of her mouth. I turned away. Oh, poor, poor Aunt Barbara. I know its REALLYYY mean and bad and cunning and evil to say this, but I have a feeling that I’d be standing in front of Aunt Barbara’s funeral pyre, a few days after today. I just stood there, watching miserable Aunt Barbara. Suddenly, Mrs. Randy said to Rachelle, Megan and myself, ‘Girls… I think its best that you go home. I don’t really think you should see this…Could Megan stay at your house today, Nicole? Or Rachelle?’ Rachelle said, ‘Well, my mom’s hosting a baby shower for her friend, Daisy and so….’. But I said, ‘Sure. Nothing much is going on back home.’ She smiled at me sadly. All three of us took one last look at Aunt Barbara and headed out to the street.

‘WHY?! WHY?! Why did AUNT BARBARA have to be the one inflicted with this incurable disease?!’ Rachelle and I just looked down at the bed covers. We were at my house, in my bedroom. Rachelle stroked her hair. ‘Well, Megan, these things happen. You’ve gotta go with the flow…’ Megan turned to stare at her. ‘Excuse me, Rachelle, do you even know what this feels like?! And you are telling me to go with some flipping flow!’ I took a deep breath. ‘Megan… I’m really very sure that your aunt’s going to get better soon. ’, I lied through my teeth. Megan sighed, ‘Whatever. I’m sorry for bursting at you Ray… I just…I dunno. Its hard to make out the way I’m feeling right now…’ Ray shrugged and nodded. ‘Hey, we have to go to Red Rays tomorrow!! Nicole, good luck.’ Said Megan. I gasped, ‘Whaaaaattt??!! Oh, yeah, tomorrow!! Fill me in, girls!’ Rachelle nodded rather hurriedly and said, ‘OK. First things first. Bring a vomit bag to the cafeteria at all times. The food they serve us is AWFUL. Then, of course, we always have a bully. Her name is Tracy Jones and she’s a tall, thin girl. She looks mean, so you’ll identify her. She always calls everyone names. And lo and behold, me too! And again, there’s always a Queen Bee too. Her name is Sarah Janice and she is SUCH a pop-diva! She’s got millions of friends, oh, sorry, ADMIRERS, who lug around her wherever she goes. She’s always stuck into the latest brands and she picks on kids who have no fashion sense at all. So, obviously, not me. But Megan, yes. Nikki, no. So anyway, she parades around with her long and shiny blonde hair let loose, wearing her Sassy Me shorts and tank top, and blinking like a Barbie doll. So, yeah. That’s all I’ve got.’ Megan nodded, ‘Of course that’s all she’s got. Food and fashion. Great. Here’s the IMPORTANT stuff, Nicole. Mrs. Ally is the Biology teacher, and since you like Bio, you’ll really like her. She’s very interesting. Whatever she says soaks in deep. As you know, all three of us are in the same classes on all the days of the week. So, always keep with us, because Sarah might pop out of nowhere and call you or me a ‘Fashion disgrace’, or a ‘Style Slug.’ Really, don’t mind her. All three of us are in the same dorm, right? Yeah, Sapphire. Well, we’ll have free time from 6:00 PM till 9:00 PM. So Ray and I will show you around. Happy?’ I nodded. This was a lot to take in. I ran over to my computer and went on to the Red Rays website. It had pictures of students wearing the boring uniform and studying. Pfft. Great for attracting parents. Rachelle rushed over to me. She was gawping at her phone. ‘What, Ray? You look like a dog, mind you. Close your mouth.’ Rachelle said, ‘Shut up, Nikki. Guess what?!!’ She shrieked, ‘I got selected for the Beauty Pageant competition!! AAAAAAAHHHH!!! At school! You see, there’s a bunch of competitions called the Talent Fest. If you win a prize, you get to appear on T.V. And Nicole, you are lucky. There’s a singing competition! You sing AWESOME! AND, Ditto Megan. There’s a Quiz Comp. You tried out, right? See if you got a text, Megs. Nicole, you have to go through selections tomorrow. Warm your voice and practice your vocals. NOW.’ Now it was Megan’s turn to jump around and scream. ‘I got selected for the Quiz Competition AND the Elocution! AAAHH!’ I grinned, ‘Wow, guys. Umm…. Do you two really think that I should go through the singing selections tomorrow? I’m sure there are better singers than me all over the school.’ Megan and Rachelle stopped screaming to stare at me. Megan broke the silence, ‘Are you KA-RAY-ZEE, Nicole! You sing BEAUTIFULY!! There is no one in the whole school who can beat you in the competition. 3 by 4th of the people can barely croak if they are asked to sing!’ Rachelle said, ‘Yeah, Nikki! The only person who can sing at least a BIT is Nikki Cooper. But she is shoe dirt compared to you.’ I grinned. ‘Thank you guys! But… I’m nervous…I mean, it’s the first day of school and all, and me going through selections is a massive thing. At least, to me it is.’ Rachelle sighed and shook her head, ‘Tomorrow is the last day for selections. We had the rest on Friday and Thursday. Oh, and by the way, Maria Louis, Edna Ginger, Bonnie Pamflat, Lucy Star, Pamela Roxi, Joanne Simon, Anna Ester, Liz Beckerway, Beth Terras, Nancy Totem, Nikki Cooper and Ashley Erika got selected. I just got a text from Paige.’ Gushed Ray. I gaped at her and then at Megan, ‘What about that 3 by 4th of children at school can barely croak??’ Megan blushed, ‘Well, maybe I was kind of exaggerating…’ ‘THERE IS NO WAYY I CAN DO THIS!!’ I yelled. Rachelle frowned, ‘But seriously, you sing way better than all of them. All of them have at least 5 videos of themselves singing. I’ll show you.’ I turned to the screen which bore the Red Rays website Home Page. I took a new tab and typed YouTube. Once the page came, Megan took me to Maria Louis. Well, she wasn’t as brilliant as I’d imagined. OK, she was horrible! I can’t believe she got selected. I went to all of the girls’ pages one by one. They were all unbelievingly BAD. Well, maybe except Nikki Cooper’s. She had an American accent. I myself put a sound recording of me singing ‘My Heart Will Go On.’ on my blog. I missed some parts and repeated some but at least I sang it. And it WAS pretty bad. But better than the other girls’!


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