Nicole- Life at Red Rays.

==========================================Life at Red Rays.
Chapter 1- Welcome to Red Rays!
NICOLE! Get dressed and come down now! We have to leave for Red Rays in exactly TEN minutes!’ Called Mum. I don’t WANT to go to Red Rays! I certainly think that it is the WORST boarding school in the whole world! Mum says I need to improve VERY much on French and Spanish and I need a better school too. And because there is no other good school she’s sending me to horrible Red Rays. And I have to wear the not-at-all-fashionable uniform! It’s just a white petticoat kind of thing-y with a blue and white overcoat and a white tie. And a short skirt too. Gray colored, of course. BORR-INGGG! I live in Great Britain, by the way. I’m happy to say that I’m fit J. I have long straight brown hair and green eyes. Everybody says that I’m really pretty, but I don’t think so. I’m 16-yrs old and I LLOOVEE music! I sing great too, based on general information. My best friends are Megan Randy and Rachelle Jane, who live down the street. They go to Red Rays. At least there’s SOMETHING to look forward to in that prison. I’ve seen the pamphlets. It shows a teacher holding a CANE. I was all, ‘Whoa.’ ‘NICOLE SHERMAN!!’ Mum yelled. ‘Oh! Sorry! I’m coming!’ I said. I quickly slipped on my uniform and my white sandals. I grabbed a white bow and stuck it on to my hair and then took my luggage. We are going to have to send our luggage there today itself. Clothes, shoes, candy supply, my iPod Shuffle, makeup and jewelry. JUST enough for two terms. Oh, and I couldn’t survive without my favorite magazine, ‘17’! I heaved my enormous suitcase and shuffled downstairs. Mum was waiting there, a little annoyed. ‘Nicole?! What exactly were you doing up there, young lady? I called you numerous times and you did not even take notice!’ I blinked nervously, ‘Err…..Mum.., I was… in the toilet.’ She looked suspiciously at me and ordered me to get into the car. I ran into the car, shut the door and looked at the screen of my phone. I got 19 E-mails! It’s only been 5 minutes since I looked down at my phone! Wow. 1 mail was from, Rachelle. Another 1 from Megan, 1 from Dave, 1 from Drake, 3 from Harriet, 9 from ‘Unknown’ and 4 from Julie. I checked Rachelle’s and Megan’s first. Rachelle is SUCH a fashion-addict! She sent me a million pictures of her new outfits, all from the new mall downtown, ‘Gorgeous’. And Megan sent me a message asking me to come over to her place after dinner. She said that Rachelle was coming too. I immediately sent Megan a message back, saying, ‘Sure. I’ll come’. And I also sent Rachelle one saying, ‘Wow! They’re… beautiful!’ Then I read Drake and Dave’s. Both of them go to Red Rays too. Even Harriet and Julie go there. Dave sent me a message about the new technological blah-blah. And Drake sent me a message on how to take care of your pet bird. Really?! THEN I checked Harriet. She sent me one message with a YouTube video of a funny clip, another mail on the same thing, but another clip and the third mail was like the others. THEN I checked Julie. She sent me a mail all about the latest developments in the Go Green environment park. THEN I checked ‘unknown’. All of them were friend requests. I deleted that mail and sent a reply to Julie saying. ‘Go and hear some songs on the internet, instead of wasting your time on Go Green websites !!! J’. The next thing I knew, Mum was saying, ‘Come out, Nicole.’ I got out and looked up at the towering building. The feeling was overwhelming. I mean, going to a gigantic, enormous, humongous school for the first time? It is scary, people. Mum motioned me to follow her. We walked into the sweet smelling building and into the Principal’s office. Her name was Mrs. Emily Matthews. She was extremely pretty! She was tall and slim. She had long thick, curly, glossy black hair and light blue eyes. She wore a green coat and dark blue jeans with black boots. She didn’t even wear makeup. She smiled at us. She said, ‘Good Morning! I suppose you must be Nicole Sherman? And you have come to take admission?’ I nodded. ‘Well, welcome to Red Rays! I hope you like it here.’ I smiled and said, ‘Of course, Mrs. Emily. I’m positive that I’d love it here!’ I don’t want to break the teacher’s heart even before school starts. Better be nice. Mrs. Emily smiled at me. Then she turned to Mum and slid an admission paper in her direction, ‘Mrs. Sherman, would you please sign this sheet? The fees and everything is written on the paper. And, school will be starting on Monday, by the way.’ Mum said ‘Sure’ and wrote some stuff on the paper and handed it back to Mrs. Emily. She read the paper and smiled yet again. She said thank you and then told me that I could go check out the school. She said that my class, locker, timetable and everything would be given to me tomorrow or the day- after. So, I went up to the 3rd floor which is where Year Ten is. Rachelle, Megan, Julie, Drake, Dave and Harriet are all in the same class, Year Ten, B. I really, really hope that I’m assigned to the same class!! I pulled out my phone from my uniform pocket and texted all of them. “In school, gave admission info. Standing in front of ur class. Hope I’m there.: JJJ” Rachelle immediately texted me back saying, “ YAY!! You’ll most certainly be in our class! Hope so, at least! You know, Red Rays is NOT as bad as you think!” I smiled at that text, and texted back, ‘Well… maybe so… Let’s wait and see..’ I got a text back from Megan saying, ‘You will SURELY be in our class. I think. :P” I grinned. Then Harriet, Julie, Drake and Dave sent me similar texts. I went back down, where Mum and Mrs. Emily Matthews were discussing who- knows- what. I walked over to the table and sat at my chair. Mum said thank you to Mrs. Emily and we headed out. On the way out, I asked Mum, ‘Umm…Mum, have I gotten admission?’ She smiled, ‘Yes.’ I was surprised, ‘This fast?! Isn’t this the first day you are ever even seeing her?! And she hasn’t gotten to know me so well!’ Mum nodded, ‘Yes, but in Red Rays, they give you admission right after reading your previous school record.’ I smiled, ‘Oh. Wow. So I guess my old record was pretty impressive!’ Mum smiled but didn’t say anything. We got into the car and drove home.


  1. Good one gopi :) Pretty much entertaining :) Keep on writing :)

  2. Took me to a different world that is colorful. Life@Red Rays promises to be interesting. Keep writing.

  3. I can't wait for the next part ! SOOOO good

  4. Thanks Anjali.. the second and third parts are also published.. see the links on the right. :)

  5. Looking forward to the next chapter Gayathri.
    You taking such an active interest in writing, that too at an early age, is very nice.
    Keep writing! :)

  6. I published the fourth chapter as well. Please check it out :)


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